edgeworthia varieties

Carolyn. In spring, after the blooms pass, it sports lovely bluish foliage with silvery undertones that are both eye-catching and soothing. (Optional) Sarah, I dont have a big sample but edgeworthia seems to be pretty tolerant of shade or sun. Heather @ heathrss@aol.com, Sorry, Heather, the only plants I ship are snowdrops and mini hostas. You can grow edgeworthia as you would a daphne, in well-amended, well-drained soils. Curious to see if anyone has experience growing Edgeworthia in a container? Root system!? That would be ornamental enough but the fragrance is amazing. This large, sculptural shrub commanded attention in the center of a network of pathways. As with any Internet translation, the conversion is not context-sensitive and may not translate the text to its original meaning. What town and zone are you in? All rights reserved No routine pruning is necessary. It was amazing, and it was a shrub I had never heard of. There is basic information about the nursery along with catalogues and a place to subscribe to the blog. Thanks for your blog, I really enjoy this plant as well. All the best Thanks so much for answering the propagation question. Carolyn. When you are ready to buy an edgeworthia for your garden, check out our edgeworthias for sale. Originally, I bought E. papyrifera and then later on began to notice that all the offerings were E. chrysantha. Blooms in winter when leafless. Donna, I only know of one nursery that supplies it down here. Although there is some confusion about this, Red Dragon is a cultivar of a different species of edgeworthia, E. papyerifera, which is less hardy as you found out. Save your plant data online. I also love Daphnes but they do not seem to do as well for me so about 7 years ago it was suggested to me to try the Chinese Paper bush and I am glad I did. Edgeworthia chrysantha flower. I brought one with me from VA in a gallon pot, two and a half years ago. Beautiful. What an amazing looking plant. Carolyn, I am about 50 miles south of ATlanta and have grown two edgeworthia for about five years. Carolyn. Here in zone 8a mine resides on the the north side of the house and only gets direct sun for an hour or so during high summer. Zone information is also variable, and the only thing I can guarantee is that specimens have been growing successfully in the Delaware Valley area of Pennsylvania for some time. Carolyn, Space these plants about 7 feet apart in partial shade and rich, moist soil. Bought at a garden show in early spring. Perhaps it is similar ? N.C. I am in SE Michigan also, so it would be interesting to compare notes. The underside of the leaves is gray-green. Edgeworthia chrysantha 'Snow Cream' is a 2000 Juniper Level Botanic Garden/Plant Delights introduction that has proven to be one of our most popular introductions. As always, Carolyn, you provide such fascinating information on plants! Carolyn, The Edgeworthia in my Wayne, PA garden was planted early last summer. Yours are gorgeous! It doesnt seem to care about sun or shade, although full sun leads to droopy leaves in summer. It eventually reaches 7 feet high and wide and makes a nice stand-alone specimen or back-of-the-border choice. 3793. I dont see it now on either of mine, but they are pretty small. My 2 Edgeworthia survived a brutal 5B winter of extended -20s. I looked it up on my local nursery website they do have stock but unfortunately, its recommended for a sheltered spot here in Scotland and as my garden is quite open mainly due to plants being immature. Native to China and the Himalayas, E. papyrifera has been used to make fine paper for eons. Once again I wish I lived closer to you this plant is not sold in my area. Nursery Happenings: Carolyns Shade Gardens is a retail nursery located in Bryn Mawr, PA, specializing in showy, colorful, and unusual plants for shade. But I guess we have a micro-climate factor that works against me, otherwise known as the whims of Mother Nature. It flowers on old wood so you would want to prune it right after it blooms. After reading my postI can see I rambled and that I am very concerned about my lovely shrub. But since your son Alex will be helping with our spring clean-up soon, Ill be asking his advice. Edgeworthia is best in light to moderate shade, in soils with lots of organic matter. However, I have been able to offer it to my customers in fall 2011 and fall 2012 because my wholesale shrub supplier carries beautiful specimens of it. Some supplemental water will perk it right up (though you need not do it at the first sign of droops). Grows up to 4-6 ft. tall and wide (120-180 cm). You could try Paxson Hill Farm in New Hope. Carolyn. Carolyn. Hank, Thanks for giving us the information about your plant. Edgeworthia buds as they appear through the heart of the winter. I knew I couldnt let it grow on up past the windows and block all light in the bedroom so if it didnt make it, Id have to live with that. I have never seen that happen but wilting can be a sign of too much water as well as too little. So Im getting from this blog that I should prune more severely in the early spring (ouch, scary!)?? I live near New Hope so thats ve convenient! We have just had a lot of rain after a dry spell. I love edgeworthia in all its manifestations, but late winter when the buds start to swell has to be my favorite. Ive seen edgeworthia in a couple nurseries around here, and though the buds and blooms were beautiful, I thought the young plants looked awkward as they were basically a stick with a few measly little branches at the top. Linda, As I said to Nancy, you will be able to buy it in April. Christina. Beautiful yellow fragrant flowers in mid-winter. This is if you havent guessed yet my single favorite plant. Space these plants about 7 feet apart in partial shade and rich, moist soil. Full sun or light dappled shade lover, this plant is easily grown in humus-rich, loamy, well-drained soils. My edgeworthias have organic soil but are in a dry location. Where is your Garden. Les, I agree, edgeworthia is an A+ plant that needs to become better known. For catalogues and announcements of events, please send your full name, location, and phone number (for back up use only) to carolyn@carolynsshadegardens.com. Carolyn, Pingback: JOURNAL: Gardening Blogs for Plant Lovers My Education of a Gardener. In Atlanta, in the blazing heat and humidity, occasionally leaves will yellow and drop from June through August. My day is complete! Papyrifera was the first one I owned, after falling in love with the plant at the Atlanta Botanical Garden in the early nineties. I have never seen anything like it! Carolyn. Joyce, That must have been quite alarming. I also prune this after the blooms are finished because I would never sacrifice them. In the last years I am not getting temperatures around -13C or 9F and that is for short periods, a few hours a couple of times each winter, most of the time it is around freezing or a bit above at night only. In summer, it's covered in beautiful, elongated, 5-inch-long leaves that hold droplets of water on their finely pubescent surfaces. Unless I dig it up and bring it in, it will likely not survive at all. Carolyn, I have just found your site . There are two species of Edgeworthia - sort of. Les, Our edgeworhtias went limp quite a few times during the summer, but the flowers look fine now. I have two Edgeworthia. Edgeworthia plants are woody shrubs with thick, spreading branches covered with a smooth burgundy bark that is peeled off and used by some Asian cultures as paper. They all demand highly organic, fast-draining soil. Old leaves turn yellow and fall off regularly. Generally I stick with plants that are zone appropriate because of the maintenance aspects. Carolyn. Lee Lee, Thank you so much for your extensive comment. This blog has been very helpful, thank you Carolyn. Not sure which Edgeworthia - Paperbush to pick?Compare All Edgeworthia - Paperbush. This well-branched, well-formed shrub begins forming its silvery buds in late summer into fall, adding interest to your fall garden. I can never decide whether the buds or the flowers are more beautiful. I really appreciate everyone taking time to leave comments. Where are you located? Stress. Carolyn. Any suggestions? It would help to know where you are. Edgeworthias grow fast in SC! There is no fall color. Click here https://carolynsshadegardens.com/2017/01/28/edgeworthia-update/. Insects, Diseases, and Other Plant Problems:No significant problems. Tatyana, The drooping leaves are not a problem. I did have to take off a branch that was against the house and I hated every second of it. Cuttings root easily in moist soil. Phone: 503.231.5050 It is in moderate shade in the summer, under trees. I love the open form, but I want to make sure there isnt anything wrong, such as a pest, disease, etc.which I cannot find any evidence of. Happy Holidays, Carolyn. Great, Joyce, I am sure Alex and Practiced Hands Gardening can help. I bought one from you last spring and it did beautifully in the summer and fall, and late fall brought the tight white buds which I watched expectantly all through the winter. I am obviously worried about hardiness, so winter protection is an issue. Joy, by the way, it just occurred to me since you are in about the same climate conditions as I, I was suggested a possibly dry tolerant cold hardy daphne called Pontica HYBRID http://www.seidelbast.net/ponticahybrid.html The guy is called Dirk and he is in Germany. We use cookies on this website, you can read about them here. I recall seeing similar on my previous edgeworthia. My previous was around 50 feet from our door, but if the wind was right in March, the fragrance was apparent. It did not flower at all, and only has started to leaf out around the beginning of August. I have no idea. In fact most of the time it is about freezing or above in winter. It has a beautiful shape and form. drooping its leaves in afternoon sun. Mine faces southeast with a wall and shrubs behind it so it is protected from winter winds. There is only one other species in the genus that I know of, E. papyrifera, and it may be just a subset of E. chrysantha. Thanks for helping make this plant known. Leslie, I hope that you will report back on the results of your trial. I ordered the edgeworthia chrysantha from England. The foliage is beautiful! Deleting this collection CANNOT be undone. Hank, Akebono is not supposed to be hardy where we are. T, Thanks for reporting in. Push a branch into the ground, stick a brick or stone on it, and one year later you will have a rooted plant to detach from the main much like an azalea. Leaves single, alternate, lanceolate to narrow ovate, 8-13 cm long and 2-5 cm wide, entire, dull green, gray-green below with silky hairs when young. Carolyns suggestions for finding a microclimate and mulching are good ones, thanks Carolyn! Young leaves are covered with white, silky hairs. Starr Foster, Starr, I am not actually going to sell these plants until April. Thank you so much for your beautiful pictures and valuable information. Short-stalked, lanceolate-oblong, dark green leaves (to 3-5" long and 2" wide) are crowded near the branch ends. Tony Avent, among many authorities, now suggests that there is really only one species: E. chrysantha. Origin: Found in the woodlands of the Himalayas and China. The Irish botanistMichael Pakenham Edgeworth and his half sister Maria Edgeworth were both honoredwith the naming of this plant. Hi, I am growing what I believe is an Edgeworthia, however I have never seen mine flower. Grows 6' x 6', sun, part shade, shade, Z6b. Keep in touch and let us know where you decide to plant your lovely Edgeworthia and how she fares. Although here in piedmont NC we had a cold winter this year, we have had colder, so I dont think the low temperatures are the reason for our problem, I think I probably just didnt prune severely enough. Unless you have the red / orange form, akebono, which was apparently a blooming flop for mist folks. Tubular flowers have longer tubes and seem to pale a bit faster, leaves are more slender, branches are thinner and plants tend to drape like a lady on a chaise. Hello Nikolay, I didnt think it would be hardy farther north than zone 7. Carolyn, Can I order for shipping 3 Edgeworthia chrisanthas from your nursery. I think Cape Cod and southeastern PA are the same zone. I dont have a recommended mail order source. While every effort has been made to describe these plants accurately, please keep in mind that height, bloom time, and color may differ in various climates. Flowers:Small flowers are usually yellow but rare orange and red flowering forms exist. I did not plant my Edgeworthia in full sun and would not do it in your region. Does scent travel in the air and to what distance??? What made it so helpful? I actually adore this plant when its just in budI think it adds great interest to the garden. Anne, See my response to Joyce. Hope readers can help Liz decide whether she can grow an edgeworthia in a container on an east facing, part shade terrace in New York City zone 7A. Soon the long, slender leaves grow in, turning the shrub into a mound of attractive foliage that can grow to 6 feet (2 m.) in each direction. I will try this when I can get one in a very protected spot. I also prune an entire branch if needed because the shape of mine is open, symmetrical, and I want it to stay that wayI dont want a bush. Rich narrow green leaves gray-green below, with short stalks have the best color in some shade. Edgeworthia chrysantha Edgeworthia chrysantha 'Grandiflora' The oldest reference to it growing in the US that I have found is 1993 at the fairgrounds in Raleigh. Even now in November its leaves are droopy and in summer they were shrivelling and drying completely. Thanks. Hello Nik, Its planted in full shade but sometime in the summer it needs extra water due to the heat in the air and dryness of the soil. I even did a radical pruning (you might say chopping) on a giant one that outgrew its space and then moved it to entirely different conditions (from part sun moist to bone dry shade) and darned if the thing isnt regrowing beautifully from the bottom up! I bought 2 at the Scott sale last year, one of the species and one Red Dragon. I keep a regular Daphne in a pot so I can move it around and protect it over winter until it grows some. It had smaller leaves, grew slower and smaller, and was significantly less cold hardy even for me in Atlanta. Our Edgeworthia is about 9 years old now, and last year and this, many of the upper leaves have become shriveled and unattractive, and then die back. Greeting from South East Bulgaria 150 miles north west of the Bosporus/ Istanbul and 40 miles west of the Black Sea in what would be US hardiness zone 7a bordering 6. This was the day I fell in love with Edgeworthia chrysantha . Had hoped there were two in the pot, wanted to have a row of three. Seed - best sown as soon as it is ripe in a cold frame. Do you have that experience or do you water them? It is in an east facing location with lots of morning sun and afternoon shade, average soil with lots of other plants around it. Colin. Carolyn. Published by at February 16, 2022. Edgeworthia, is a shrub native to China and the Himalayas that provides superb fall and winter interest and a gardenia-like fragrance. For me the yellow leaves are very noticeable because my tree is front and center in the front yard, so I fret about the yellow leaves too, but as long as everything else the tree needs is in correct order, I will just pick up the yellow leaves off the ground. It is gorgeous in the winter. It has wonderful form ! I am sorry it has taken me two years to see your post. Edgeworthia flowers exude a sweet fragrance similar to Daphne, further enhancing their sunny disposition. I do not fertilize mine but you could try it. The common name, Paperbush, comes from its use to produce quality paper. We are growing several Winter Gold edgeworthia at the Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens in our shade garden . You will love your edgeworthia eventually. I built the container using screws so I could take the container apart without destroying it when I needed to transplant my shrub. Please note that some applications and/or services may not function as expected when translated. It currently is about 7-8 high by 1215 wide. It is deciduous and has large and distinctive leaves. During the growing season, you'll appreciate the dark green to nearly blue-green foliage and the open, multi-stemmed growth habit. The small, yellow, strongly fragrant, pendant flowers hang in clusters from the bare branch tips from February to April. Blooming on naked stems over long periods, at least 4-6 weeks in late winter and early spring, they open from silvery flower buds that begin to form in late summer and are ornamentally attractive in fall and winter. It arrived fairly recently in the US. In January, white flower buds begin opening to wonderfully fragrant, golden-yellow, honeysuckle like flowers densely packed in round clusters that continue to April. Both composted hardwood and ground pine bark suppress root rot. Usually marketed as 'Akebono' and mistranslated as 'Red Dragon' the Japanese word akebono means "dawn" or "daybreak" its name in Japan is 'Akabana', which . We have 2 Edgeworthias that were planted in full shade. Cooperative Extension prohibits discrimination and harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex (including pregnancy), disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, and veteran status. Edgeworthia in its native habitat, on my. I love multi trunk trees like the Crape Myrtle, but already have quite a few in the front yard. I thought a six foot spread area would be enough! Are the leaves on your Edgeworthia exhibiting this behavior or are the leaves actually shriveling-up first and then falling off? Thank you! Im so glad that you are selling them in PA. Ive transported quite a number of these to my relatives there in the last ten years, and now have an excuse not to! You need a protected microclimate in your garden. The flowering period extends from February to April. Wasnt lucky with that. All species and cultivars of edgeworthia are available from Yamina Rare Plants, 25 Moores Road, Monbulk, Victoria. Carolyns advice is dead on. Not sure he could send a plant to USA for sanitary regulations. Carolyns Shade Gardens is a retail nursery in Bryn Mawr, PA, U.S., zone 6b/7a. So glad you commented on the scent because I just read an article that made me question my memory of how lovely it is. This shrub grows in zones 7 to 10, and in protected areas of Zone 6. Thank you for your info Por favor, tenga en cuenta que algunas aplicaciones y/o servicios pueden no funcionar como se espera cuando se traducen. The growing conditions of Edgeworthia Sol I found your post while looking for info about E.c. I am going to give cultural information for edgeworthia with the caveat that I dont think the plant has been grown long enough for it to be definitive. I dont think they are at all hard to propagate. The silky hairs glow in the light, and the plant looks like it is covered with hundreds of silver flowerssimply breathtaking. Tina, I would love to see your photos when you are done with your break from blogging. Thank you for the article! The individual florets are tiny, but a few dozen make up a 1-1/2 to 2-inch cluster that will simply knock you sideways. Where are you located? I hope I never have to prune any more branches, it is such a gift in winter. Would newly fallen Autumn leaves do the job or what could I use instead of a leaf compost, if I do not have it? If you are growing edgeworthia, please leave a comment describing your experience with it, especially if you are from an area north of the Delaware Valley. Greetings from Bulgaria, EVERYONE. Carolyn. L'Edgeworthia, un arbuste rare. The branch would have become damaged from rubbing on the house and I did not want that. We finally moved them to an irrigated bed facing west where they get lots of sun & water. But the condition stopped progressing during our recent drier weather, so I am hoping the worst is passed. Planting in a protected location is often recommended, and all the plants I have seen are in protected spots, but I dont know if this is necessary. Now the prior less hardy version, papyrifera, with a smaller leaf I would have hesitated to prune. Underplanting of Spring ephemerals has helped distract from the bareness. An edgeworthia can drop all its old leaves and resprout in the course of a few weeks which I have seen recently where one is stressed from transplanting (oh, say after being yanked from the ground in Georgia and put in barely any soil and taken to Kennett Square to ones mum in a long car ride!). These dimensions make the Paperbush Plant a relatively large shrub compared to others, so it's best to keep this fact in mind since it will affect where you want . No, I dont. Another option is Junkers Nursery in England (www.junker.co.uk) which Dirk got the Pontica Hybrid from. What a beauty this must be to see in person. I avoid doing it in extreme heat or cold, and wait for it to bloom, but aside from that, prune freely. Akebono, which is an Edgworthia papyrifera, not an E. chrysantha (although there is some confusion), is not hardy here in zone 7A, southeastern PA. Edgeworthia chrysantha and its cultivars like Winter Gold are completely hardy, although the buds will freeze in extremely cold winters like 2017-2018, and there may be some branch die back. I think protection from winter winds is the most important consideration. I have only seen three plants besides my two, and all three were in protected courtyard areas. Sharon Oliver, Sharon, Unfortunately, my blog is a little confusing because if you get there using a Goggle search, the home page information does not show up because the right sidebar is not there. Contents. To join the customer email list, see Welcome above. One of the all-time favorite plants in our own gardens, Edgeworthia, also called Paper Bush, is a truly a multi-season color and fragrance factory. The only plants that we ship are snowdrops and miniature hostas. You are here: performance task roller coaster design edgenuity; 1971 topps baseball cards value; edgeworthia varieties . The description of these plants has been written based on numerous outside resources. Julie, Zone 5 is a stretch but you have grown other plants that I wouldnt think you could. The leaves turn buttery yellow in autumn after the first frost. Donna, Exotic is a good word for it, and it does engage the sense of touch with the silky buds. The Edgeworthia Paperbush is a medium-sized shrub that has remarkable yellow blossoms in late winter. 2 Related Taxonomies. Martha, What time of year did you prune it and how much did you take off? This trait is shared with no other known flowering plant. Its in (what will be) high shade most of the day, some sun in the late afternoon. Thank you for sharing. I have heard that the orange cultivar is not as hardy so I would love to hear back from you in future years. In my area and I believe several Edgeworthia owners have noted on this site, that the older leaves yellow and drop off all during the season, but new ones continue to grow. It arrived fairly recently in the US. 5050 SE Stark, Portland, OR 97215, Portland Nursery on Division One was protected from the South and the East, and the other was totally unprotected. Note: Viewing a Native Plant will take you into our Native Plant section. Your subscription gives you an instant 25% off your entire pottery purchase. . I have never done it but I dont see why pruning would be a problem. As a number of you have experienced, my Edgeworthia has become huge, it is was about 8ft high and 10ft wide, and I just had to prune it to allow for sunlight through our window. Simply beautiful. I am in zone 8/7B/Adepending on the year and climate of the current season. Edgeworthia papyrifera is more slender from flowers to branches. I agree, it is the Belle of the winter Garden. How quickly does it grow? I am wondering if you, Carolyn, have been able to locate any new ones. There are several varieties of Edgeworthia, including: Edgeworthia chrysantha 'Nanjing Gold', with yellow flowering; Edgeworthia chrysantha 'Akebono' or 'Red Dragon', with red-orange blooming, a more supple port, and less graphic than 'Nanjing Gold' or the species type. It is not offered for sale up here by our suppliers and not grown at the tree and shrub nursery either. Global caracteristics: Type of foliage: deciduous Habit: round Height: 1.20 m x 1.00 m Growth: medium Flowering period: February-March poque de fructification : March-April Shape and colours: Couleur du bois : beige Foliage shape: oblong Foliage colour: dark green Foliage colour in autumn: yellow Flowers shape: bawl Flowers colour: yellow Glad to hear its normal! Can they be moved if they outgrow their original spot in the garden? Anne, Thanks so much. I think its just part of the way edgeworthias grow. Mine have set buds this summer while temps hovered in the 90s. I looked up care for edgeworthia and happened onto your Blog. It is now so largejust as wide as it is tallthat it will take 3 or 4 strong people to move it. I am glad you appreciated the photos of the whole shrub. I saw my first Edgworthia on a garden tour (Patterns?) Carolyn. 4 Patents. Or daphne, since they are similar. Then it was in the upper 60s so more flowers opened before being hit with lows in the teens starting 3/11 and continuing in the forecast through at least 3/16. A number of leaves turned yellow and fell, while other stems showed what I would call wilt. It is now almost five feet tall. If the exposure to direct sun is for many hours I would try anythingumbrella, stone, pine straw, lean-to, etc. From what I hear and read, Akebono, though a dramatic cultivar, has not been very successful for many. We have very rainy season and very dry season and our weather is, most of the time, very hot. Dont over or under water and it will likely be fine. I just called my supplier, and they will have 10 for me in April if all goes according to plan. Providing winter interest and fragrance, Edgeworthia chrysantha (Paperbush) is a bushy, suckering, deciduous shrub, prized for its luminous, rounded inflorescences, 2 in. Carolyn what a magical shrub..those silky tassel flowers have always made me want to touch themI have never seen it in flower but it is exotic lookingthis is indeed a very special shrub to grow.

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